A while back I did a quck back of the envelope calculation of what it would cost to give every Black person in Amerca the financial equivalent of "40 acres and a mule." That would be between $150K-$200K each. Amounting to a little over $5 trillion.
I'd go for that if it would bring peace. $5 trillion is a small piece of the wealth that has been taken out of the overall economy to pad the pockets of the uber riche. Four years ago we passed tax cuts for bilionaires to the tune of $2 trillion. This would also generate immense economic activity. We will need more immigrants to shore up the labor shortfall.
Personally, I think other forms of reparations, such as the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, would be more effective. But as an economist I also support people having free choice. But one thing I would ask for is that whatever we do for Blacks, we compensate Indigenous Americans at the same rate.