"America is not a Democracy."
Well, yes and no. Some smart alecks love to show their exceptional wisdom by saying that we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic. That is just semantic garbage. Our constitutional republic is, in theory, a democracy by the fact that we elect the people who make the laws that rule us. That is the essence of democracy.
However, increasingly, year after year, that element of our democracy has been and is still being eroded. By gerrymandering, voter suppression, disingenuous campaigns and campaign laws that allow for blatant false information, and the poisonous effect of too much money in the elections industry, we have made the election process inefficient and ineffective. Now one of the last bastions of our democratic process - the acceptance of their losses by losing candidates and the peaceful transition of power - is in the process of being destroyed as well. Finally, even when we do manage to elect good politicians, they are more often than not corrupted by lobbyists and big money payoffs.
So, while on paper we are still a democracy, in actual effect we are just a shadow of how democratic we once were. And even then, as you point out, that democracy did and does not apply equally to all citizens. So we are a democracy on paper, but in reality, not so much, as you suggest.