Bull. Wallace won 5 Southern states, Nixon won the rest, except for Texas. Which does not address that the racist South has been the base of the Republicant party every since. Without the fervent racists and White supremacists, religious bigots, and conspiracy theorists, the party would have nothing left except Billionaires and corporate executives. At one point the R party was conservatives of various stripes, but it ceased to be that around the time of Gingrich. Today it is nothing but a gang of power-hungry miscreants.
But my whole post was about the bullshit that the Republicants are the party of Lincoln, and the KKK started with the Democrats. That is an observation in which the facts, without context, completely belie the truth. It is a shlock claim by people trying to defend a political party that has nothing of value to offer the vast majority of Americans, so it is trying to appeal to a mythical past that never existed.