Michael Hurst
3 min readAug 20, 2020


Busler is an intellectual fraud. Almost everything he said in this article is either a lie, or grossly exaggerated. His unapologetic gaslighting in service to his emperor is embarrassing. What is really sad is that he has a voice on Medium for his propaganda pieces.

Let's just focus on a couple of his lies (they are clearly falsehoods, as I will demonstrate, and since he is an economics professor you have to assume he has seen the real numbers, so his falsehood would be deliberate, which is a lie).

Start with his first sentence - "In 2016, the economy was continuing an eight-year stagnation." This could not be more wrong. Comparing the Obama years with Trump's is not straightforward, as Obama inherited the worst economy since the great depression from Bush, whereas Trump inherited an economy from Obama firing on all cylinders (as far as GDP, anyway). It is not appropriate to start a president's economy on the day he takes office, as any actions he takes will take time to factor into the economy. The recession did not end until the 4th quarter of 2009. But, being generous to Trump, let's start Obama's economy in the 3rd quarter of 2009, and Trump's in the 3rd quarter of 2017. And to be even more fair to Trump, let's not count the first 2 quarters of 2020, as these were skewed by the effect of the virus.

So, using the above parameters, between Q3/09 and Q2/17 (Obama), the GDP (real, chained CPI to 2012 dollars) grew by an annualized average of 2.4% quarterly. Between Q3/17 and Q4/19 (Trump), the same calculation was 2.3%. In addition, Obama inherited an economy in ruins and restored it to health. Trump inherited a healthy economy and ruined it. And even if you want to look at any individual quarters, Trump's biggest quarter was +3.8%, while Obama had 4 quarters over +4%, with one at +5.4%. And if you attribute the last 2 quarters to Trump (the failure to control the virus early is all on him), Q1/20 was down 5%, and Q2/20 is down 38%, which leaves his tenure as president with a -1.8% GDP growth rate so far.

Busler's spin on unemployment rates is also disingenuous. The rate in July 2009 was 9.5% (10.0% in October). By July 2017 the rate had dropped to 4.3%. That is a drop of 55%, which is a drop of .57% percent per month. Trump brought the rate "all the way" down to 3.5% in Feb. 2020, a drop of .58% per month, almost identical to the Obama effect. Of course, we will skip over that the unemployment rate is now at over 10% for 4 months in a row, and likely to go higher as the stimulus package is now gone.

I won't bother discussing the trade nonsense, as this is pure spin, there are few details about any deals tRump has made, and there is a lot of evidence that they are minimal changes or even damaging in many cases.

Finally - "Trump also cut taxes for all Americans and corporations which stimulated demand from the middle class and created new capital from corporations and the upper class." Yes, any stimulus will boost the economy. Especially the Obama stimulus which Busler poo-poos, but which ended the economic crash and started one of the longest sustained periods of growth in US history. But as we all know, 83% of the Trump stimulus, which was all tax cut, went to corporations and the richest 1% of Americans. And the growth data shows a stimulating effect for only Qs 3 and 4 of 2017, declining after that. What's even more disturbing is that Trump's stimulus came in the midst of a strong economy, a bad move, which does little except enrich the rich and drastically explode the deficit and debt.

Michael Busler is not a real economist. Anybody who distorts information the way he does should be ignored.



Michael Hurst
Michael Hurst

Written by Michael Hurst

Economist and public policy analyst, cyclist and paddler, and incorrigible old coot.

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