"Contrary to your opinion, the Constitution didn't fail us in the 2016 election. It worked exactly as it was supposed to work."
You are clearly on the side of the federalists. You think small states should have more representative power than large states, in order to "protect" them from domination by large states. But in a country which supposedly favors independence and freedom, this idea fails in a big way. People choose to live in California and New York more than in Nebraska. There is no logical reason they should be penalized for doing so, and no logical reason a Cornhusker should be given preference and priority because they choose to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. These are personal choices, and people should not gain advantages or disadvantages over other US citizens because of those choices. The principle of "one person, one vote" is, in my opinion, one of the most important in a democracy.
I agree with the author. The US Constitution is a terribly flawed document, written hundreds of years ago by a few white, land owning, slave owning men. And one of its most important flaws is that it is insanely difficult to change.