For years and years I always thought that the issue of racism was based on the poor treatment of POCs and the negative consequences of that. I thought the issue was discrimination. So, being naive as I am, I assumed that the issue would be how to end this discrimination.
But now I see that that is not the case. Black people don't want more for themselves. They just want less for White people. Rarely in articles like this do you ever hear suggestions for legislation that will fix things, or a plan for a replacement for racist systems . All they seem to want is for White people to feel guilty, and to transfer their "stolen" wealth to Black people.
I want to end discrimination of all forms - racial, ethnic, gender, religious. And I am in favor of reparations, for Blacks and Indigenous Americans at least. But this focus on "White privilege" is a completely bogus ideology, a fraud term perpetrated on the American public, and it is making me turn away.
I don't have White privilege. I am not going to feel guilty because a cop does not harass or assault me when he pulls me over for a parking ticket. That is NOT "White privilege". That is NORMAL. That is what we should expect in our society. The fact that Blacks and other POCs DO face this kind of harassment, and face discrimination in circumstances that I don't, does not make me privileged. It means that others are being denied their rights, and THAT is what must be changed, and I am 100% behind doing whatever is necessary to end this.
But making me feel guilty because I was born with pink skin is not necessary. It might make you feel better, but it is not going to solve the problems you face. I am doing what I can to end this, but out of a sense of what is right and wrong, not out of a sense of guilt.