Good heavens! Expensive peanut butter! The post office doesn't sell envelopes! What were we thinking? And, heaven forbid, people are polite!
I looked for the indicator that this was satire, but it seems you are serious. But your little hit piece actually sounds like a piece by International Living encouraging people to relocate to CR. Unless, of course, you are a business person who thinks you can go down there and exploit workers like in the US, but for lower pay. Unless you are used to being catered to (a concern only for pasty White Americans). Unless you are unemployed and think you can just fall into a job; how dare they place priority with Ticos. How horrible. And you can't work illegally and make a lot of money! Gasp!
And worst of all, if you are a racist, a homophobe, a bigot of any kind, stay away, because CR is a tolerant country. Oh, and peaceful, socially generous, environmentally conscious, and educated. And remember, they have vaccine mandates! Aaaaarrrgh!
Sounds perfect to me. But you're right, it is not the place for right wing business cons looking to exploit vulnerable populations, or wannabe cowboys looking to enjoy their personal freedom without any restraints, rule, laws, and without any regard for the community. It is actually the kind of place I would like to live, and if conservatives and MAGAts find it too leftist/socialist/communal for them, I hope they all catch the first plane to America or South Africa or Russia.