Great read and very valuable. As a consistent contrarian, I will mention than I have two close friends who hooked up with Russian wives, although to be honest they were not the hot model types you see on scam sites. And I've known a few geezers with young Vietnamese wives for decades.
But I suspect that on average, perhaps the vast majority of cases, it goes as you describe. It's human nature, you can't blame the women for this, it is survival. And you can't really blame the men, as you say we are often dominated by the little head.
But I'm an economist, and in economics we assert that people do what they do because they get value from their actions. Except that in economics there is always the assumption of perfect information, which is more often than not a faulty assumption. This is good information, and I hope men read it and take it to heart - so to speak.
I do have one quibble - surely you could find a stock photo of an Asian woman. But, OK.