Hah. But there are studies. When I have to keep asking questions, I start to ask them on google. So White men marry White women 98% of the time. That is 8 points higher than Black men marrying Black women (90%). On the other hand, only 0.3% of marriages are White men and Black women, compared to almost 9% for Black men and White women.
So these statistics not only do not support the contention of the author in the original article, they actually belie it. On the other hand, 4% of Black wives are married to White men, while only 0.8% of White wives are married to Black men. This would imply that it is Black women seeking out White men, not the other way around.
But there is a lot of nuance to this that we can't measure. No doubt that part of the latter statistic is influenced by the massive incarceration rate of Black men of marriage age since the law enforcement rules were changed in the 90s.
This is why I contested this article. It is common among people writing articles, especially here on Medium, to extrapolate their own personal experience and write an article making it appear that it is a society-wide problem, when actually it is just anecdotal, and extrapolating to the entire population is a false narrative. I contest this because it is false analysis and leads to wrong conclusions and wrong solutions.