I agree that the "woke culture" goes a little too far sometimes, but all cultural changes go through a period where the pendulum swings too far one way, before it is brought back to the center. But this article is a crock.
Consider this, for example: "The backlash was actually the eruption of anger built up over years of abuse... The Larson and Kennedy provocations were special only because they didn’t bother hiding their bigotry behind codewords and dog whistles. It was open hostility towards people for being born the wrong way."
So, click the links. You'll find that the Larson statement was simply about not enough female reviewers in the entertainment industry. The Kennedy reference was to a tiny little tweet promoting more women as protagonists in movies. There was no bigotry or dog whistles.
This article is nothing more than the whining of an insecure male who gets triggered whenever someone criticizes him. Yes, the cancel culture and ID politics has gone a little far, but history shows it will moderate after a while, and we will be in a better place when it reaches its equilibrium.
Man up dude. We had it all for a long time, and we abused it. I can take the hits, and so can you. This is not going to ruin my life.