"I can understand Coates’s frustration with this country, but given his hatred of racism he should have taken more care not to denigrate another race so categorically."
Unfortunately, there is a large group of Black (and a few White) authors - many publish articles at this site - for whom denigrating Whites is the goal. For these authors, like Marley K. and Catherine Pugh, every White person is racist, by birth. K's article (Yes, All White People are Racist) was the most egregious, but there are lots of others. So many articles with the title of "White People, Stop Doing This ... (insert crime here)".
They've invented a whole new lexicon of insult labels, like "white privilege" and "performative allies", but when a White person writes a similar sympatico article, confessing all the sins their parents bred into them, they are accused of "virtue signaling". If you object to any part of what they write, they respond with ad hominem attacks. It has become automatically accepted that if you say you are not racist, you are racist. The discussion only goes one way - I insult you, you either hold your head in shame, or you are proving me right.
I find this incredibly frustrating. I have joined a couple of groups attempting to end racial discrimination. But I don't feel comfortable attending the meetings, because I know that the first time someone says something like this, I'm out the door. There are "introductory" sessions in which potential White allies are taught how to speak and think about racial issues. I want very much to help Blacks end the torture in their lives, but I can't really be part of anything.
What I find interesting is that your article has all kinds of points that are huge blaring red flags for these authors. Yet none has responded. My guess is that is because they only see their communications as unidirectional. They are not inclined to engage in a real, honest and open discussion.
Thanks for this article. I was thinking of writing something similar, but you covered all the bases. Also, I was too chicken. But it looks like you won't get the heat I was expecting.