I read through this piece thinking it provided some insight into the insanity of religious zealots. But at the end, it is revealed as nothing more than a Christian evangelical preaching.
No, the reason that religious nuts like this believe in conspiracy theories so easily is actually mentioned in the article: " Christians are facing a culture of relative truth sayers who believe we need to ‘coexist’ yet they cannot coexist with Christian beliefs because they think differently." That would be spot on if "relative truth sayers" was replaced with "rational thinkers".
There is no such thing as "relative truth". An idea is either true, or it is not. Searching for truth is one of the distinguishing characteristics of humans. And the search for truth involves scientific exploration, observation, data collection, logic, reason, and the acceptance of facts. If a notion is true, it is provable. If not enough evidence is available to prove a concept, the acceptance of it as true must be put on hold until such evidence is uncovered. Except for religious true believers, who require only their BELIEF. Belief requires none of the effort required to prove an idea is true. All it takes is being told that something is true, and being convinced because of the really, really sincere passionate pleading of someone. Discovering truth requires thinking. Belief only requires feelings.
The reason that religious nuts are so susceptible to conspiracy theory is that their whole belief system is based on thoroughly unprovable ideas, just like conspiracy theories. There is no way to prove the existence of "God", whether it be Jesus, Yahweigh, Allah, Zeus, Ra, or any other of the hundreds of gods that have been passionately worshipped over the history of mankind. Yet millions BELIEVE there is a magical sky god that is responsible for everything. The only "evidence" Christians have of GOD is one book written thousands of years ago by several unknown authors, and another written about Jesus hundreds of years after he died. Muslims do the same with the Koran. And if they can believe that, based on such paltry "evidence", they are easily manipulated to believe unhinged conspiracy theories. THAT is the connection.
And, P.S., the author presents the Christian God - "...as the Bible shares..." - as one of love. Yet the Old Testament presents God as a homophobic, misogynistic, violent, vengeful, spiteful, self conceited, and destructive control freak, who approves of slavery, and brings war, pestilence, floods and all sorts of mayhem to his accolytes.
I think I'll pass.