I think if you are going to rant about a word, you should define it carefully up front. Nothing in the literature - dictionaries, encyclopedias - define liberalism as you do.
I particularly take issue with your statement that economists are committed to your definition of liberalism (yes, I am an economist, but that's not the point). Economists don't create anything. An economic system can be liberal in your terminology, which is essentially monopoly capitalism, or it could be completely illiberal, as in communism. Economics is a science that simply tries to understand and explain how humans function economically. Economics says when price increases, quantity demanded decreases. That is mostly a pure truth. The fact that monopoly capitalism is destroying the lives of millions of people is a function of politics, not economics.
So you say that we need to kill liberalism. I'm not sure what that looks like. What do we kill, and what do we put in its place?