I think part of the problem is the definition of what a "strong man" is. Throughout most of human history that meant either bigger and more powerful, or so much smarter or more educated, or able to acquire wealth more than others.
Part of the problem with that earlier definition is that men who worked alongside women, or were not wealthier or more educated than other men, were not considered to be strong men.
None of that defines a strong man any more. Women are almost equal in earning capacity, education, and financial status (I know the stats show malingering discrepancies, but these are changing). A strong man today will live his own life as he would otherwise, and is fine that he does not need a woman to cook his meals or wash his socks or soothe his wounded ego.
There is a difference between a strong man and a domineering man. But society is going through so many changes in such a short period of time, the acceptance of this is going to take some time.