I was surprised by your comment, so I read every comment on this thread, and I could only find one that backs your claim - and that was YOUR comment. The last comment, from a Christian, was "pissed off at hard core, scrub the public square types", which is alluding to the need that Christians have to mount their symbols and ceremonial traditions in every public space. Even that commenter did not claim that we strike first. One Christian said he does NOT experience evangelical atheists. Not a single one of the other comments back your position that atheists are aggressors, in fact they all say the same thing I did, that we do in fact keep quiet unless either you attack us first, or you try to force us to honor your traditions. If you found a comment that justifies your position, tell me which one it is, specifically, and I will review it again.
Your reply was disingenuous. I'm not surprised. You regularly espouse the ten commandments, yet I find that is Christians who more than anyone defy the one about bearing false witness against your neighbor.
Your constant attacks on atheists does show one thing, pretty clearly. That you have doubts of your own, but you are not willing to face them. Faith is like that - without any evidence to support your beliefs, it is critical that you surround yourselves with people of the same faith, and that is justification enough for you. But that also requires that you isolate and demonize those who don't share your faith. I see you for what you are, and you do not define me.