Look at the signs people carry? That's how you get your information? You are clueless. “Defund the Police” did not come out of BLM, it came out after the George Floyd murder, and BLM was around for years before that. And the phrase is not anything like the “fuck the police” that you are whining about (and of course, I bet you have a Let’s go Brandon t-shirt, don’t you?) And the violence in the streets in the Summer of ‘20 was not caused by BLM or Antifa, as you White supremacists try to claim. It was caused by increased tension at the protests contributed to by violent and aggressive police actions, heated rhetoric by the president, and the actions of a small number of anarchists that show up to every protest. Your riot at the Capitol, on the other hand, was full on a direct cause of tRump and his allies, and was far more damaging than a few smashed shop windows. Go away, Tucker Carlson.