Multiple claps for this. IMHO, this is a better way to present the tribulations of Black people than many of the screeds we've been seeing lately. These points were expressed very well.
I still disagree with the term "White privilege". I understand the point, but a privilege is something granted to someone by someone else. One implication of this terminology is that equality can be achieved by taking away these privileges from White people. If we incarcerate a million more White men to bring the prison population more in line with the overall population, that would be acceptable.
I just think that is a bad approach. It should be a RIGHT to not get brutalized by police, to not get redlined, to not be discriminated against in employment and so many other ways. These are RIGHTS being DENIED to Black Americans. These rights need to be guaranteed to all citizens regardless of race or ethnicity or gender or any other inherent factor. Our efforts should be to build and protect these rights for Black (and Brown, and indigenous, and Asian) Americans.