So much food for thought in this article I'm already gaining weight. I understand the framework of this issue, but I don't have a clue what should be done about it. If there were no discrimination against Black Americans, or against other groups that can be identified by physical characteristics, it would not be a problem at all. But if we are to agree to reparations, how do we assign them? By descendance from slaves? Many Blacks in America are free immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean, etc., although some of these are descendants of slaves in other regions. Certainly not by skin color, as there is vast diversity of skin color among Blacks. By culture? I accept that reparations are necessary and achievable. But who gets them?
I predict that in a couple hundred years the whole concept of race will fade away, and it will become harder and harder to determine a person's ethnic heritage. In the meantime, it is always going to be a sticky wicket.