So, this is the kind of wisdom we get from a Libertarian Marxist? Yes "it's funny, isn't it", that you describe yourself in terms of an oxymoron? Not surprising that you would create such a confusing conflict of ideas.
First of all, I suggest you take some writing lessons. I used to teach a writing course at the university level, and I would fail you for this monstrosity. Your paragraphs are too long, they do not flow, and you cram so many disjointed thoughts together it is hard to get a decent grasp of what your points are. You ramble on and on, but the whole thing can be summed up simply as: "AOC is not as progressive as she says she is or as I want her to be".
The conflicts in this piece are quite numerous. You lambast the idea of celebrity culture and hero worship, but your main complaint is that she has taken steps to work with moderates in the party. You complain that she hasn't accomplished as much as you would like, yet lambast her for trying to get support within the party, which is essential to getting anything actually passed. You complain that she is not sufficiently progressive, apparently not marxist enough, yet call it "ironic" that three centrist democrats refused her donations because she is too progressive for them.
Oh, what terrible crimes she has committed. Like supporting the former speaker to stay in power, probably the most effective SOH in history. Like not supporting Bernie as early as you'd like, not taking into account that there were two progressive candidates to choose from, the other being a woman also deserving of her support.
Gee, it's just so sad that the Democratic Party is not shifting left fast enough or far enough to satisfy your passionate desires. Perhaps you should try running for office, let's see how well you do at ending 20 years of DLC influence overnight. But can the pompous rants, Rand/Lenin. If you're getting paid for this, I may stop contributing.