This is clearly spoken straight from the heart. Because there is no indication that the brain was accessed during the writing.
These are your personal opinions, but like all religious zealots, you present them as if they are truths that just haven't been accepted yet. Atheists don't attack religious people ad hominem. But when you attack us, we will respond in kind, and since we don't have the backing of government or a vast array of churches or synagogues or temples to support us, mockery is about our only effective tool. But let us make one thing perfectly clear - one thing we never do, as you do to us, is tell you what to believe. Your statement "They are asking us to believe in their own ex nihilo" is a pure, unadulterated crap sandwich. It is a falsehood of the first order, a straw man, a red herring, any of several kinds of logical fantasies. I thought religious people believed in their own commandments, such as bearing false witness, but I guess it is only when convenient.
And let me summarize the rest of your screed - if there is a beginning of anything, it had to come from somewhere, by something, and of course it had to be an intelligent something. So let me throw this back at you - what was the beginning of your God? What was the cause for God's existence? Did God have parents, was there a God father? If so, what was the beginning of God's parents? Your entire theory breaks down with the simple application of logic and reason.
Actually, there is a perfectly reasonable answer for the beginning of God. God began his existence about 6 millennia ago, when the first human conceived of a monotheistic deity. He replaced a whole slew of lesser gods that people had believed in from man's earliest days. Truth be told, God is a creation of man, not the other way around.
I have to rate this article as a big failure, two thumbs down.