This is fine for technical education that is specific to a particular company, job, or industry. Of course Google would consider it a 4 year degree. College degrees are not technical certificates. There are other courses, from other areas, that are required for graduation. This is because throughout history an advanced education taught the student how to think critically, how to learn, how to act professionally, and how to communicate. A six month course focused on specific coding skills is not at all the same thing as a college education.
So what company is going to pony up the money for a six month course in medicine? Or engineering? Or science? Not to mention art, literature, history, psychology, philosophy? But this continues a trend toward the dumbing down of our society. Eventually we will have an entire population that won't be able to speak at all unless it is in C++ or Python, will not be able to understand political debates, and will not have a clue about what a scientific analysis says.