This is ridiculous. Clearly an Ayn Rand acolyte, except without the style. You say a lot of words like all, always, never, every one, tossing them around like they are truths. They are just your opinion, not backed up by either any data, or even any examples. Just platitudes.
The U.S. is the land of equal opportunity? Tell that to people of color, or women. We are the most unequal developed country in the world. If we had equal opportunity, your claim would require that the poorest HALF of all Americans just did not WANT to increase their standard of living over the last 40 years, while the richest 1% have sucked $50 TRILLION out of the general economy into their own personal accounts. If we had equal protection under the law there is no way we would see the wide discrepancy in judicial outcomes for Blacks vs. Whites. I've chaffed at the notion that all White people are racist, but I can see plenty of reasons why some would say that. This treatise is a prime example.