Well put. I've been pushing back against the the new fad of inventing new terms for things that we say every day. Entire new lexicons (White privilege-fragility, plural pronouns for individuals, new terms for race, new terms every day about gender from the LGBTQXYZ crowd, mansplaining, manspreading, etc.) are set up by dissertation students or professors under pressure to invent something new, or just groups of activists in brainstorming sessions, or somebody writing a book who wants to invent a new term.
The kicker is that these groups insist that we all adopt their new language, and I say to that, fuck off. Languages develop over time, and the English language has developed over thousands of years. You don't get to change the language that billions of people use because you have an ax to grind. If a new word or phrase becomes popular, English is the best language in the world for absorbing it. But you don't get to force changes like that on your own.