What a meaningless rant. First, you describe a lazy and irresponsible employee. That could be anybody, but because she was White you attribute her poor behavior simply to her being White. That is prejudice and racial bias. I suppose you've never had an irresponsible Black employee, but there are bad workers of every race, ethnicity, color, gender, and hair style.
Second, you have some conceptual problems. For example, you imply that her reluctance to pay a higher minimum wage is because of racism - she doesn't want to pay Black students more. But given that the majority of college students are White, this makes no sense, as most of her assistants would be White.
Another example - "She implies that if she gets paid more—increase that Earned Income Tax Credit," - you are implying that she says she would pay her assistants more if she got paid more. That is NOT at all what she is saying. Clearly you don't have a clue about how the EITC works. The EITC is for the working poor, not people like her - she doesn't get an EITC, but her assistants might. She is saying he EITC should increase IN LIEU OF increasing the minimum wage. I personally disagree with her, but it is a valid argument.
Your entire diatribe is based on the behavior of two people. An N of two. That proves nothing, shows nothing, means nothing. This is a terrible piece of work.